America’s idea of itself as a great and enviable nation was encapsulated by the now defunct print edition of the Reader’s Digest and its signature feature, “Laughter, the Best Medicine”. For those in trepidation of what MAGA portends, the best antidote is a sense of irony and the absurd.
Without regular doses of one or both, the soundtrack of the next four years may end up for many being the chorus line of a Rolling Stones hit: “Here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown.”
What better, indeed what other coping mechanism is there for an American president whose idea of a joke is a nasty remark, and assigning a schoolyard nickname to a rival passes for wit.
It may not be nice, but it is forgivable not to take someone who consistently uses the royal “we”, as in “We won by millions of people”, seriously when the claim is irrefutably false.
Or perhaps President Trump is just conflicted about his pronouns.
One also wonders why — unless a sneer or a grimace count as one – there weren’t any photos of Trump genuinely smiling during, or after his inauguration ceremonies.
That’s especially odd considering President Trump’s assertion that he was “saved by God to make America great again.”
It seems unlikely God would take the official portrait scowl as a sign of gratitude for his choice.
Trump benefitting from heavenly support and not being hit by lightening, in spite of hawking bibles autographed as if he was the author, is a justification for atheism if ever there was one. Or proof that there is a god and he (or she is it makes you feel better) has a sense of humour.
Claiming to be God’s chosen implement rates Trump kinship with a list that includes the ayatollahs of Iran, jihadis, Israeli settler zealots, street corner preachers, televangelists, cult leaders, child-molesting priests, hate mongers of all stripes, the Crusaders and history’s wholesale colonisers and subjugators of anyone with other than white skin.
Speaking of which, warning of possible use of force to take over the Panama Canal is laughably out of sync with the (false) boast of being the only U.S. president in the past 72 years not to have any wars on his watch.
But let us not be unkind, for surely Trump was joking when he said Canadians would welcome the idea of becoming the 51st state. Certainly we took it as somewhere between funny and the delusions of an ignoramus.
Self-designated “liberals” who consider their ideals and ideas the only ones worth pursuing need to lighten up, too.
Even in the best of times the world isn’t neatly ordered. Respectfully agreeing to disagree separates the decent from the dishonourable.
When Ronald Reagan who, for whatever you think of his policies, knew how to reach out to all the people he was elected to govern, said “Please tell me you’re all Republicans” to the medical staff wheeling him into surgery after he’d been shot, did anyone seriously think he wasn’t joking?
In real life, Trumping out of the Paris Climate Accord is no laughing matter. That it was done (twice) without any apparent understanding of the connection between climate change and killer heat waves, uncontrollable wildfires, hurricanes of unprecedented power and snowstorms in the Sun Belt is so absurd, it’s downright farcical.
The drumbeat of “America First” is a joke on himself that President Trump and his faithful have yet to grasp.
The only leaders who don’t consider putting their own nation and its citizen’s first to be part of the job description, are the ones who see lining their pockets as their top priority.
Oh, and the smartest guy in the room is invariably not the one who feels it necessary to keep telling you he is, because everyone who matters already knows it.
In his ‘best buds’ chat with Sean Hannity on FOX, the new president said it’s easy to spot really bad people among illegal migrants because many of them have facial tattoos. As unappealing as I find garish, visible body inking, that’s open for debate.
But if true, it shows how dumb they are. If hopeful migrants painted their face blue, put horns on their head and stormed the seat of government, they’d be eligible for a Day One Dictator pardon. Tattoos associated with white supremacists and neo-Nazi movements might hand them a shot at a nomination for a cabinet post. (In his confirmation hearing Pete Hegseth defended his as evidence of Christian faith.)
The Reader’s Digest days may be long gone, but many of Donald Trump’s cruel and less-than-well-thought-out policies and decrees will no doubt come back to bite him on his ample proverbial.
Humming along to the ironic and absurd will help tune out the possibility of the Stones’ 19th until it’s safe to wallow in what psychologists call “the guilty pleasure of schadenfreude, without the negative adjective.
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Excellent. I so appreciate this.
Tks Laura
allen, i want to believe in the lyrics of another
Stones classic…
“you can’t always get what you want”…
but my hope for and belief in those words diminishes daily…trump, firing Exocet missiles
by the dozen, has struck the ship of democracy
below the water line and the ship is listing…
democracy, in its best form and application,
is bouyed by checks and balances applied by
folks of goodwill…both goodwill and common sense aren’t to be found in our legislative and
judicial chambers…these qualities aren’t allowed in our current dictatorship/oligarchy…
the opposition party has been overwhelmed by
trump’s buckshot approach to governing…
the rudderless democrats can’t define what
issues to immediately address and thus are
overwhelmed by their inertia…until some
spines are grown the trump torpedoes will
continue to sink democracy and the Stones
lyrics will go silent…
Bleak, but spot on Larry