Browsed by
Author: allen.pizzey



Every so often on an ear­ly morn­ing pad­dle, I come upon a great blue heron. Poised with silent, eeri­ly-still ele­gance, it’s wait­ing for small fish or frogs to come with­in strik­ing dis­tance of the dag­ger-like beak at the end of its long, sin­u­ous neck. The bird’s infi­nite patience and way of deal­ing with unwant­ed dis­trac­tions are traits many of us who are per­plexed or vexed by much of the world could use.Read the rest

A Pox By Any Other Name

A Pox By Any Other Name

Most efforts to treat the world’s myr­i­ad ills have fall­en short of inten­tions, nev­er mind expec­ta­tions. To give them a boost­er shot, I sug­gest look­ing to Shake­speare; specif­i­cal­ly, Juliet’s famous lament ‘What’s in a name…”
Think “Mon­key Pox”.Read the rest



“I humbly beg for­give­ness for the evil com­mit­ted by so many Chris­tians against the Indige­nous peoples.”
That sin­cere, if long-over­due apol­o­gy by Pope Fran­cis for the Catholic church’s role in the iniq­ui­ties of Canada’s res­i­den­tial schools, was wel­comed by many and con­sid­ered not suf­fi­cient by oth­ers. Be that as it may, his pen­i­tence car­ries a les­son for sec­u­lar zealots.Read the rest

Fouling the Nest

Fouling the Nest

As I slid past a thir­ty meter-high gran­ite cliff in my kayak this week, I noticed a slash of white just below a small cave-like crack in the rock. It brought to mind the proverb: “It’s an ill bird that fouls its own nest”, a typ­i­cal­ly human way to char­ac­terise fool­ish­ness by cast­ing unmer­it­ed aspersions.Read the rest

Truth on a Tee Shirt

Truth on a Tee Shirt

Slo­gans on tee shirts gen­er­al­ly seem to run from gar­ish to inane and over-hyped. In a place I’d rather not have to spend time, I’ve final­ly seen one that accu­rate­ly describes those who wear it as they go about a job its most famous prac­ti­tion­er called her “God-giv­en calling.”Read the rest

Liar Liar, don’t put our pants on fire

Liar Liar, don’t put our pants on fire

I have come to accept that politi­cians can lie as eas­i­ly as they breath, and the most bla­tant­ly ambi­tious ones do it almost as often. I sus­pect  many peo­ple who live in democ­ra­cies would agree. But when they do it in an inter­na­tion­al set­ting, they make all of us liars. And that is not acceptable.Read the rest

Birds of a feather not to be flocked with

Birds of a feather not to be flocked with

The proverb “Birds of a feath­er flock togeth­er” has been in use since at least the mid ‑16th cen­tu­ry, so apply­ing it to the new rap­proche­ment between Turkey and Sau­di Ara­bia is apt. It’s close to the cen­tu­ry and val­ues of their respec­tive lead­ers’ mind­sets and actions, and an augury  Pres­i­dent Joe Biden might bear in mind on his upcom­ing Mid­dle East jaunt.Read the rest

Luck, tragedy and The Blame Game

Luck, tragedy and The Blame Game

For jour­nal­ists who cov­er con­flicts, luck is like a blind trust fund; You can make with­drawals, but not deposits, and you have no idea how much is left.” I wrote that as part of an epi­taph for two of my friends and col­leagues — Paul Dou­glas and James Brolan – who were killed in Bagh­dad on May 29, 2006.Read the rest



On the basis that Amer­i­ca being hell-bent on re-brand­ing itself ‘Guns R U.S.’ isn’t real­ly any of my busi­ness, I’ve decid­ed I need to put aside nat­ur­al abhor­rence of mass mur­der, and look at the issue through the prism of a reporter’s six (in ran­dom order) basic questions…Read the rest

Putin’s Biggest weapon, hidden in plain sight

Putin’s Biggest weapon, hidden in plain sight

Just in case the mess the world is in hasn’t con­found­ed and con­fused you enough, here’s anoth­er conun­drum: the “2020 Glob­al Go To Think Tank Index Report” list­ed more  than 8,000 think tanks in 85 coun­tries. So why does it seem to have come as a sur­prise that Vlad­mir Putin could and would, use Ukrain­ian grain as a weapon?Read the rest