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Author: allen.pizzey



Amer­i­cans try­ing to make sense, or oth­er­wise, of their lat­est mass shoot­ing tragedy, might find it instruc­tive to con­sid­er the best-known line from renowned 18th cen­tu­ry Scot­tish poet Robert Burns’ “To a Louse”: ‘O wad some Pow­er the giftie gie us / To see oursels as ithers see us!’

Politi­cians like Texas gov­er­nor Greg Abbott and sen­a­tor Ted Cruz who insist the prob­lem isn’t guns, it’s a “men­tal health issue”, could stand back and take stock of their own men­tal state.Read the rest

The Once Great, Replaced

The Once Great, Replaced

Some years ago, a cam­era­man gave me one of the tee shirts he’d sold as a side­line at a Repub­li­can con­ven­tion. The front read “Life in News”. On the back, in large type, was print­ed “BLAME IT ON THE MEDIA.” Del­e­gates, he told me, didn’t get the joke. Today, it’s in dan­ger of becom­ing less a joke than a jus­ti­fi­able truism.Read the rest



Much as it is jus­ti­fied, the oppro­bri­um heaped on the Tal­iban for decree­ing women must shroud them­selves in all-encom­pass­ing burqas in pub­lic, would car­ry more weight if it includ­ed an uncom­fort­able acknowl­edge­ment: insti­tu­tion­alised misog­y­ny doesn’t make them unique.Read the rest

The Curse of Times That Are A’Changin’

The Curse of Times That Are A’Changin’

When Bob Dylan sang ‘the times they are a changin’, nei­ther he nor those of us who sang along with him had regres­sion in mind. Not even the oft-pre­scient Dylan could have guessed the verse that begins ‘the line it is drawn/the curse it is cast’ would sum up what the times have changed into.Read the rest



“A hyp­ocrite is the kind of politi­cian who would cut down a red­wood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for con­ser­va­tion.” Attrib­uted to U.S. Vice-pres­i­dent (1893–1897) Adlai Steven­son I, the quote is an apt warn­ing that stri­dent avowals of West­ern lead­ers to go all out to help Ukraine are as much a thin veneer cov­er­ing self-inter­est and hypocrisy, as they are firm and unshake­able policy.Read the rest

A Billion Here, A Billion There

A Billion Here, A Billion There

It must be real­ly annoy­ing to be so rich that bleed­ing hearts are always bang­ing on about how you could sin­gle-hand­ed­ly solve world pover­ty or what­ev­er. So, here’s a sug­ges­tion to ease the pain for the world’s lead­ing mul­ti-bil­lion­aires: try cash­ing in on the wis­dom of Ben­jamin Franklin: “It is prodi­gious the quan­ti­ty of good that may be done by one man, if he will make a busi­ness of it.”Read the rest

A God for All Reasons

A God for All Reasons

The Peanuts char­ac­ter Linus once said: “There are three things I have learned nev­er to dis­cuss with people…religion, pol­i­tics, and the Great Pump­kin.” Pump­kins aside, the rare con­ver­gence of Passover, East­er and Ramadan prompts me to ignore his wis­dom and pon­der why faith is so often used as an excuse for venal behaviour.Read the rest

The Punishment Putin Can’t Escape

The Punishment Putin Can’t Escape

The chances of self-imaged macho man Vladimir Putin end­ing up in court for war crimes in Ukraine are slim to nil. He has, how­ev­er, already been judged impo­tent by the one thing his mas­sive fire­pow­er could not overcome…the per­verse tru­ism that the worst of human beings invari­ably bring out the best of them.Read the rest

Sanctions aren’t a ‘smart bomb’ for all targets

Sanctions aren’t a ‘smart bomb’ for all targets

West­ern gov­ern­ments are all but crow­ing over the effi­ca­cy of sanc­tions as a weapon in the war in Ukraine. For­got­ten in the rush is that what­ev­er their con­tri­bu­tion towards vic­to­ry over Vladimir Putin, sanc­tions are on the point of destroy­ing the peo­ple of Afghanistan, but have lit­tle chance of chang­ing let alone oust­ing the Taliban.Read the rest

If you find war coverage ‘disturbing’…

If you find war coverage ‘disturbing’…

“Warn­ing: view­ers may find some of the images in this report dis­turb­ing.” Can there be a more point­less and insen­si­tive caveat to a sto­ry about the civil­ian vic­tims of war? You are sup­posed to be dis­turbed by war and suf­fer­ing. The jour­nal­ists who cap­ture those images often take hor­ren­dous phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal risks.Read the rest