Over the course of two days this week I spent nine hours in my kayak, but not in my usual pursuit of soothing my soul by communing with the wildlife. I was part of an ongoing struggle against an invasive species, a seemingly Sisyphean task that serves as a metaphor for our troubled times.
The enemy of my beloved lake is Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM), an aquatic weed with a Hydra-like ability to propagate.
Its global equivalent is the combination of religious intolerance and the politics of anger and hatred that choke off reasoned debate, freedom of choice and civility in general.
Containing that is akin to what it takes to curtail the encroachment of EWM.

The smallest fragment broken off by a boat propeller or lost in the removal process has the potential to drift away and start a new outbreak. The fight against it involves divers pulling weeds out by the roots and laying burlap matting on the beds to shut off photosynthesis. A small flotilla of lake residents (known as “cottagers”) armed with pool skimmers, patrol in kayaks and canoes and on paddle boards to scoop up any bits that escape during the control operation.
However, not everyone affected by the invasion is willing to contribute to the battle against it. Some even see the growth of weed beds as an advantage, and don’t care that it’s a selfish and short-term one.
Bass use the matted weeds for shelter on hot days. Fishermen who prefer to hook their quotas with ease rather than patience, ignore the fact that snagging a lure in a milfoil bed can contribute to the spread of something that will eventually kill off the nutrients the fish population needs to thrive.
Politicians who cast for votes using the lures of MAGA and FOX News are taking the same easy route, which is backed, ironically, by science. “Cognitive psychology and neuroscience studies have found that people form opinions based on emotions, such as fear, contempt and anger, rather than relying on facts. New facts often do not change people’s minds.”
The political weed bed introduced by that kind of non-thinking has already turned what is supposed to be the august chambers of the U.S. Congress, especially the Senate, into a dead zone. “Advice and Consent” has become “Dogma and Rejection”.
While the U.S. is the most egregious example of the politics of hate and division, it is not alone. The United Kingdom and numerous European Union nations have their own versions.
The collapse of civility, triumph of tribalism and disappearance of the political middle ground, once considered so un-Canadian as to be alien species, are spreading like milfoil here, too.
Pierre Poilievre, the current front-runner and probable winner of the contest to be the next leader of the Conservative Party, wants to take it on what political columnist David Moscrop called “a toxic, right-wing populist libertarian turn.”
The question such politicians should ask themselves was posed, fittingly, by one of the best-known victims of the politics of odium, the author Salman Rushdie in his best-selling novel ‘Midnight’s Children’: “Am I so far gone, in my desperate need for meaning, that I’m prepared to distort everything — to re-write the whole history of my times purely in order to place myself in the central role?”
The Balkan wars of the 1990 are a lesson in the brutal consequences of stoking hatred and intolerance for political gain. As a reporter driving through villages where blackened, shattered shells of houses cowered cheek-by-bloodied jowl next to ones in perfect order, I found it impossible to comprehend how such devastation could be willfully wreaked by neighbours. Men who had played sports, chased girls, maybe snuck their first smoke and had their first drink together, turned on each other with concentrations of violence and hatred probably even they did not know they harboured, until the invasive species of ethnic hatred and resentment were introduced.
Nearly three decades later, the tendrils are still there, as difficult to root out as the fronds of EWM that unchecked will clog boat launches, make pleasures like swimming dangerous to the point of impossible, and eventually ruin life for all the species that currently thrive here; human, fish and plant alike.

Destroying the mythical Lernaean Hydra was one of the Twelve Labours of Hercules. He managed it with the help of his nephew Iolaus.
My neighbours and I know our Hydra won’t meet the same fate, but with perseverance, we may keep it under control.
Who, one has to wonder, will do he same in the battle against the invasive species that is taking over the only lake the kayaker of reasoned political discourse has to paddle on?
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down here in the hellscape america is becoming
most of our hate is native, homegrown…20 years
or so ago research for a story revealed several
million active members of hate groups like the
KKK, neo-nazis, white supremacists, only
Christian identity, et al…i can’t imagine
how their membership has swollen as the rhetoric
heats up and stokes the fires of their hatred…
a recent poll reported 34% of Americans…
a full third…thought violence against the
government was justified…i am waiting for
a further breakdown of the ages, races, gender
and locations of this number including how
many may be armed…
hatred?…we don’t need no stinkin’ invasive
hatred… we grow and harvest enough of our very own…
That is truly scary…