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Tag: bezos

A Billion Here, A Billion There

A Billion Here, A Billion There

It must be real­ly annoy­ing to be so rich that bleed­ing hearts are always bang­ing on about how you could sin­gle-hand­ed­ly solve world pover­ty or what­ev­er. So, here’s a sug­ges­tion to ease the pain for the world’s lead­ing mul­ti-bil­lion­aires: try cash­ing in on the wis­dom of Ben­jamin Franklin: “It is prodi­gious the quan­ti­ty of good that may be done by one man, if he will make a busi­ness of it.”Read the rest

CEOs and Greed: The Wisdom of a Jewish Tailor

CEOs and Greed: The Wisdom of a Jewish Tailor

Nor­mal­ly, sto­ries about cor­po­rate greed prompt me, and I sus­pect many oth­er read­ers, to mere­ly shrug and mum­ble: “So what else is new?”

But a report on CEOs get­ting 29 per­cent pay hikes in the time of Covid brought to mind a piece of sage advice I was offered many years ago, in the ware­house area of old Mon­tre­al where Leonard Cohen’s haunt­ing “Suzanne” is set.Read the rest