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Tag: sanctions

Putin’s Biggest weapon, hidden in plain sight

Putin’s Biggest weapon, hidden in plain sight

Just in case the mess the world is in hasn’t con­found­ed and con­fused you enough, here’s anoth­er conun­drum: the “2020 Glob­al Go To Think Tank Index Report” list­ed more  than 8,000 think tanks in 85 coun­tries. So why does it seem to have come as a sur­prise that Vlad­mir Putin could and would, use Ukrain­ian grain as a weapon?Read the rest

Sanctions aren’t a ‘smart bomb’ for all targets

Sanctions aren’t a ‘smart bomb’ for all targets

West­ern gov­ern­ments are all but crow­ing over the effi­ca­cy of sanc­tions as a weapon in the war in Ukraine. For­got­ten in the rush is that what­ev­er their con­tri­bu­tion towards vic­to­ry over Vladimir Putin, sanc­tions are on the point of destroy­ing the peo­ple of Afghanistan, but have lit­tle chance of chang­ing let alone oust­ing the Taliban.Read the rest

UKRAINE: Lessons Still to Learn

UKRAINE: Lessons Still to Learn

Near­ly sev­en decades after they were writ­ten, the repeat­ed lines at the end of each verse of Pete Pete Seeger’s great polit­i­cal song “Where Have All the Flow­ers Gone”, pose what may be the defin­ing ques­tion for some of the ways the world is deal­ing with the war in Ukraine: “When will they ever learn?”Read the rest

Hiding in Plain Sight: The Basis of Putin’s Iniquity

Hiding in Plain Sight: The Basis of Putin’s Iniquity

Experts tend to have bet­ter focus than periph­er­al vision. In the case of the Russ­ian inva­sion of Ukraine, there is con­sid­er­able evi­dence many of them had nei­ther. Vladimir Putin’s aims have long been obvi­ous, sub­tly framed by his his­tor­i­cal per­spec­tive and steadi­ly but­tressed with means to fight back if they are opposed.Read the rest



The most bru­tal­ly mov­ing aid poster I’ve ever seen is of an ema­ci­at­ed child sit­ting with an emp­ty food bowl. The cap­tion reads: “I was hun­gry and you formed a com­mit­tee to dis­cuss the mat­ter. Thank you.” Afghanistan calls for an update: “I am dying, and you imposed sanc­tions to solve the matter…’Read the rest