If you’ve got good health and a decent pension, being a retiree has a fair share of perks, not least of which is freedom from the downsides of going to work. As a beneficiary of those, I’ve been amusing myself by conjuring up sympathy for people with jobs that make me wonder why anyone would want them in the first place.
The ever-impeccable and seemingly unflappable U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken tops the list. Officially the president’s senior foreign policy adviser, he’s often referred to as “the U.S.’s top diplomat”. As such, he spends his working days doggedly pursuing a job that has been described as “the art of telling someone to go to Hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.”
In the case of his number one priority, Gaza, while he’s trying to get a deal that will be good for all concerned, it’s a fair bet that Hamas is the side Blinken wishes would take the trip on offer, but can’t say so out loud. However, at this stage it’s not unfair to wonder if he wouldn’t be happy to see the Israelis do the same.
When the negotiating is done for the day, unlike we retirees, Blinken can’t kick back with a double martini or a tumbler of single malt and turn on Netflix. He’s got to face a phalanx of cameras, dodge the details while sounding if not optimistic, at least not apocalyptic, and then have Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu dismiss whatever he got on the table as “delusional”.
As a description of Hamas’ ideology and stated aims, or a section of Netanyahu’s cabinet, the derogative is fair enough. Applying it to what Blinken has to put up with and the agendas he has to juggle and balance and still make some actual progress for the benefit of everyone, however, is well out of order.
I bet the Secretary would appreciate a tee shirt a friend once gave me. The front of it read: “STRESS – the confusion that occurs when the mind overcomes the body’s urge to choke the living s*** out of some a**h*** who desperately deserves it.”
If your job title is Pope, you’re theoretically not even supposed to hold that thought. Instead, you have to bless everybody and anybody who shows up outside your place on Sunday. Skipping it is out of the question, unless you want to spark fervent speculation on your imminent demise or otherwise.
When I was covering the Vatican as part of my CBS beat, John Paul IIs’ visibly declining health was a constant preoccupation.
Asked for what must have felt like the nth time how the Pope was doing, his Press secretary said he’d asked the Holy Father the same thing that very morning, and JPII replied: “I don’t know, I haven’t read the newspapers yet.”
As for retirement, Benedict XVI did set a precedent, but it meant living in a disused convent behind a cathedral surrounded by walls.

His successor, Pope Francis, once said what he missed most as Pope was being able to go out for a pizza with friends. Considering how many decent pizza places are within walking distance of the Vatican, that is definitely a downside.
Also, Popes only get to wear white robes. No faded tee shirts, inappropriate baggy jeans and sneakers. Since more than occasional food stains on shirt fronts are archetypal symbols of “old guys” like me…no thanks.
But in many ways it’s still an easier job than being president of the United States.
True, there are perks any retiree would envy; no need to worry about whether you forgot your wallet or where your keys are, a chauffeur driven car that’s not an Uber, a helicopter and First Class travel on your own plane, for example.
That said, the fact that in Joe Biden’s case there’s relentless fretting about his age while ignoring his experience is something to which a good number we of “pensionable age” can relate.
Even if that wasn’t an issue, if your workplace is called the “Oval Office”. whatever you do, no matter how well you do it or how useful it may be, at least half the people you work for are going to complain.
Hell, there’s even a cable news network whose sole purpose seems to be to find fault, to the point where even if you went on their prime time show and said they were the greatest news outlet in the world, they’d give you the lowest possible work grade score.
Which reminds me why, try as I might in the interest of making my news viewing “fair and balanced”, I have to change the channel after two minutes of watching it.
Turning off the world at will is well up on the retirement perk list.
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7 thoughts on “WHO WOULD WANT THE JOB?”
I just want too say America has a great problem facing her.
One candidate running for president things his s…. Doesn’t stink . He has no respect for the office and does not care what the people of the USA want.
On the other hand the other candidate belongs in the memory care unit of an assisted living unit.
Is this the best that the republicans and democrats can give us to represent our country.
It makes one not want to vote in the upcoming election.
I hope they could find a good independent that we could vote for.
I can understand your despair, but have to disagree on where Biden belongs. I know quite a bit more than I would like about dementia and assisted care, and he does not fit the criteria of being there. Plus, consider his accomplishments over then past three years in spite of the imbeciles he has to deal with in Congress. As for an independent candidate, the record shows that the only one who will benefit from that, is Trump.
Can’t imagine being a politician at any level any place in the world. Worse would be a leader of any religion.
Great post and that photo of you selling a pennant to his holiness .. or whatever, is a beaut.
In retirement I have narrowed down the number of jobs I would consider doing to… ahh…
He was warning me to take my malaria pills…
Sounds like you are getting old and cynical ‚like the rest of us old farts , we had a local state politician take a all expenses paid Trip to Phuket Thailand resort Island ‚to improve his knowledge of the legalisation of the happy weed ‚had to visit local police and Bar owners to what effect it had on them. Yes I’m old and cynical too, keep on enjoying the benefits of this third trimester of life
Amazing thing is, people choose these awful jobs & fight each other to get them. I also wonder about people who are proctologists, urologists and geriatricians. Lucky everyone’s got different ambitions. Love the pic of you and the Pope, Pizz